Daily Generated Useless Art

Ever wanted to view useless, souless art made by a machine? Well now you can!

Every day we ask an AI for 10 magnificent ideas to then feed to an AI image generator. Behold the results!

How was it built?

The inside of an ancient library where books float in mid-air and pages flutter like moth wings as dust motes dance around flickering candlelight, casting long shadow puppets on the walls.

A dilapidated lighthouse on jagged cliffs, its beam piercing foggy mists revealing ghostly shipwrecks below. Whispering waves crash against rocky shores under a grey sky.

An enchanted forest clearing where time seems to stand still. A single golden butterfly flutters by as the wind plays through translucent leaves and flowers emit soft light.

A futuristic metropolis at night with holographic billboards displaying dreams, flying cars zip past neon-lit skyscrapers under a starless sky.

An underwater city made of coral and bioluminescent fish illuminating the paths as giant kelp forests sway gently in currents above.

A desolate lakeside cabin with a crackling fireplace, its smoke spiraling up into frosted windows while an old gramophone plays eerie melodies.

The interior of an enormous hourglass where crystalline sands flow inside as shimmering desert mirages form in the heat above and distant mountains are silhouetted on one end.

A bustling alien bazaar filled with exotic creatures trading luminescent fruits under neon-lit stalls, their vibrant colors casting a surreal glow against dark fabrics hanging overhead.

A mystical forest where trees glow from within, their roots intertwined like ancient serpents guarding a forgotten city.

A kinetic sculpture rendered by AI visualization showing an abstract representation of Piet Mondrian's 'Composition II in Red, Blue, Yellow', with metallic grids intersecting through the air as if floating on electromagnetic currents